Social Media Reports

SHANE EBERT asked on March 27, 2017 20:20

I successfully configured the LinkedIn app in Kentico, and can successfully run a report on Total Follower Count. I can embed this on a page with the Kentico webpart, where it asks for a date range and supplys a drop down for which LinkedIn account to populate the report from. To view a chart, I have to click "Update."

Is there anyway it can automatcially populate the report for the last 30 days?

The end goal is to embed the chart/page on a google site (using an iframe), but I just want the charts, I don't want to have to "Update" the report everytime I want to see it. Subscribing to the report is not an option.

I prefer not to see the Date range or drop down, just the chart.

How would I configure the report to function this way?


Correct Answer

Rui Wang answered on March 27, 2017 21:11

If you delete the FromDate and ToDate in the parameter tab, then the Update button will go away.

Then in your SQL code for the report, set the date range like this, so the SQL script will get the current date automatically, instead picking up from the macro value in the parameters.

 SELECT [Date] AS StartTime ,T1.Hits FROM
  {%DatabaseSchema%}.Func_Analytics_EnsureDates ({%DatabaseSchema%}.Func_Analytics_DateTrim(GETDATE()-30,'day'),GETDATE(),'day') AS Dates   
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Recent Answers

Rui Wang answered on March 27, 2017 20:27 (last edited on March 27, 2017 20:28)

Can't you set the dynamic date range to Now() and Now()-30 days?

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SHANE EBERT answered on March 27, 2017 20:42

That is how it is setup, but again, to get the report I have to click "update." Which I am trying to avoid.

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Sybil La Cartney answered on March 29, 2017 15:54

how did you configure the LinkedIn app in Kentico??want to do the same with but not quite sure how I can pull it off..thanks

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Rui Wang answered on March 29, 2017 16:30

The details are here:

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SHANE EBERT answered on March 29, 2017 17:31

So I just copy and past the following into the "Layout" that is located under the "General" tab? Do I have to edit this at all? Do I delete what is currently in the "Layout?"

I'm a Marketing guy, so I am not good with SQL code.

SELECT [Date] AS StartTime ,T1.Hits FROM {%DatabaseSchema%}.Func_Analytics_EnsureDates ({%DatabaseSchema%}.Func_Analytics_DateTrim(GETDATE()-30,'day'),GETDATE(),'day') AS Dates

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Rui Wang answered on March 29, 2017 17:39

Shane, can you send a request email to, I'll setup a quick GoToMeeting to help you out here.

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