Shoppingcart step images

Artemy Sokolov asked on March 26, 2014 09:40


missing these images, can't find, where they are located? <img id="p_lt_ctl04_pageplaceholder_p_lt_ctl00_ColumnLayout_ColumnLayout_r1_ShoppingCart_cartElem_imgShoppingCartContent" class="ShoppingCartStepImage" src="/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?" title="Products"></img>

Best regards

Correct Answer

Richard Sustek answered on March 27, 2014 02:02


I will just add they the particular image you mentioned is a part of Corporate site theme, so if you want to get these images simply install new Corporate site at Site manager -> Sites

Kind regards,

Richard Sustek

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Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on March 26, 2014 12:23

/App_Themes/Default/Images/ Leave the images zipped, the system reads them from the .zip file. If you don't have that directory, I'm guessing it was inadvertently deleted. The easiest way to get it back is to create a new install of it. You should leave the /App_Themes/Default, /App_Themes/Design and /App_Themes/Global directories and files as they are used for the design and layout of the CMSDesk and Site Manager.

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Kentico Developer answered on May 18, 2014 19:39

Can you guys make the system extract those files to App_Data and cache them or something - the number of deployments that fail because App_Themes\Default\Images\ is locked is just silly.

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