Hi Juraj ,
As per your above answer , Is Acunetix scanner only search for "CSRF" keyword in request name parameter?
Example ,
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="bvjkdfh56757bfvh%jhdfusdfu6786d7d7d7d7d=="/>
- this is getting successfully passed from CSRF attack.
<input type="hidden" name="tokenName" value="bvjkdfh56757bfvh%jhdfusdfu6786d7d7d7d7d=="/>
- this is not getting passed from CSRF attack. Acunetix show this as a false positive attack type.
So that means Acunetix tool is only looking for "CSRF" keyword , and also it is not validating by attacking such form.
This is what I understood , please correct me if I am wrong and give your suggestion.