Page not working properly, 3rd party cookies or multi-domain environment.

Dejan Cancar asked on February 1, 2022 19:00

Hey all, using Kentico 13 Core with VS 2022. I created an install of dancing goat on local. When I run the project, I can see the website just fine, the admin dashboard is all good but all the preview options under Pages > page show the following error,

This page does not work properly as your browser may be blocking 3rd party cookies and/or the system may be incorrectly configured for a multi-domain environment.

I've tried following the documentation and it has not helped. SetAdminCookiesSameSiteNone() is already in the web.config. The presentation and domain URL I believe is correct. I am using HTTPS, for both my admin and webpage. I've also tried adding to the web.config. I've also tried multiple browsers.

I don't have a ton of experience with Kentico or coding in general so any help would be appreciated.

Recent Answers

Juraj Ondrus answered on February 2, 2022 05:45

I would double check that the browsers are not set to block 3rd party cookies. Then, make sure the SSL certificate you are using is trusted. E.g. if you are using self-signed cert. you may need to add it into the trusted certificates list. Then, make sure the hash salt string is the same in the admin as well as front end app. And then - any firewalls, URL rewriting rules, proxy servers or Gateways may play some role here as well, in general.

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Dejan Cancar answered on February 2, 2022 19:31

I ended up reinstalling a fresh new site. Reconnected everything and used HTTP for local and I got it working. I will re-attempt HTTPS when I have a bit more free time. Thanks Juraj.

PS I did attempt what you said but I just could not get it working right.

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Liam Goldfinch answered on February 7, 2022 09:12 (last edited on February 7, 2022 09:38)

Just to add to the other answers, another reason I have seen this error occur is if the Presentation website is not running (IIS container is off, or IIS Express not running via VS) and the Administration website cannot iframe it in.

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Eugene Paden answered on February 16, 2022 20:57

As Liam said, this is most likely happening because the Presentation site is not running especially it is configured to run via IIS Express not IIS.

The error is a bit misleading as basically the admin site was not able to load the Presentation site in an IFrame.

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