NodeAliasPath with other language string not working

joyanta sen asked on November 30, 2018 19:31


We are showing articles having title with different language in the repeater. When click on the title the landing page is displaying more than 1 articles instead only that particular article. This is the query is getting formed.

DECLARE @NodeSiteID int = 2;
DECLARE @NodeAliasPath nvarchar(max) = N'/Forms/សេចកតជនដណងអពការដាកការសកសាអបរដែលបានផដលអនសាសន-ការជនដ';
DECLARE @DocumentCulture nvarchar(max) = N'en-us';

SELECT  [DocumentCulture], [NodeID], [NodeLinkedNodeID], [NodeSiteID], [ClassName], [NodeLevel], [NodeOrder], [NodeParentID], [DocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID]
FROM View_CMS_Tree_Joined AS V WITH (NOLOCK, NOEXPAND) INNER JOIN custom_forms AS C WITH (NOLOCK) ON [V].[DocumentForeignKeyValue] = [C].[FormsID] AND V.ClassName = N'custom.forms' LEFT OUTER JOIN COM_SKU AS S WITH (NOLOCK) ON [V].[NodeSKUID] = [S].[SKUID]
WHERE [NodeSiteID] = @NodeSiteID AND ([NodeAliasPath] = @NodeAliasPath AND [DocumentCulture] = @DocumentCulture)
@NodeSiteID (2)
@NodeAliasPath ("/Forms/សេចកតជនដណងអពការដាកការសកសាអបរដែលបានផដលអនសាសន-ការជនដ")
@DocumentCulture ("en-us")

URL look like below localhost:1000/Forms/សេចកតជនដណងអពការដាកការសកសាអបរដែលបានផដលអនសាសន-ការជនដ

Could you please let me know why this behavior?


Recent Answers

Juraj Ondrus answered on December 3, 2018 13:58

How many records are returned when you run the SQL query over the DB directly? What is the entire repeater web part setup and what transformation is used - the default one and also selected item transformation?

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