MVC Content only page type editing

Brandon White asked on February 18, 2019 16:49

If you want to set up content only pages, how would you go about giving editors the ability to insert forms, youtube videos or any other widgets that were used in portal engine? Even if you create the widgets in K12 MVC, you can only use them with the page builder. It would be a common need to insert a photo gallery, youtube video, form, poll, etc. on a content only page and I'm not sure if this can be done in an MVC setup and content only page?

Recent Answers

Zach Perry answered on February 18, 2019 20:14

The page types you use for Page Builder are still Content Only page types, you just have to enable the page tab on the page type properties.

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Brandon White answered on February 18, 2019 21:15

Is there not a way to do this just by using the Content tab with predefined fields? In portal engine you could have a predefined field and still insert widgets into it. That way we could still allow editors to easily fill in fields and not really mess up the page and still allow them to add in widgets if they need to. I'm thinking mostly about news and blog pages where we have mostly pre-defined fields and there are cases where editors need to add in a form/youtube video.

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Juraj Ondrus answered on February 19, 2019 09:54

On the Content tab you have have some editable area field and there you can allow the users to insert widgets - but then it is up to your MVC code to resolve the inline widget controls and display desired output on the front end. The inline widget is basically a special syntax having all the parameters. So, you can create code in your MVC app which will parse this syntax and convert it into desired HTML.

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