Media Images: The Preview link is not valid

Carsten Gerwing asked on February 15, 2019 10:44

Hi everyone,

I have the following problem right now: Images from the media library are shown perfectly on the Frontend but somehow fail to be displayed on the administration backend. Somehow it even works on my local development machine but after pushing my changes to the stage environment it's not working. The presentation url is fine (which was the fault in any ideas?

Correct Answer

David te Kloese answered on February 15, 2019 11:03

Where are the images stored? You need to make sure they are available on both parts of your site Admin and MVC.

For instance if you store them in Blob storage make sure both applications have this setup the same way.

Also check the full paths of not working image. Things like

  • https when expecting http
  • forced www that's not bound to your application
  • wrong file path.
  • ... etc
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Recent Answers

Carsten Gerwing answered on February 15, 2019 14:11

Thanks David, it was indeed an error regarding access to the image directory!

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