We're getting a ResolveMacroData error in one of our transformations that may be bogging down our site. The transformation includes a check of any categories applied to the document, but that check is apparently causing an Exception error.
Here's the full transformation:
{% x=0; startDate = FormatDateTime(EventDate, "MMM d"); endDate = FormatDateTime(EventEndDate, "MMM d"); return null; %}
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-item-date">
<span class="list-item-date_small">{% FormatDateTime(EventDate, "yyyy") %}</span>
<div class="list-item-date_large">{% startDate %}{% if(startDate != endDate) { if(FormatDateTime(EventEndDate, "MMM") != FormatDateTime(EventDate, "MMM")) { return "-" + endDate } else { return FormatDateTime(EventEndDate, "-d")} } #%}</div>
<span class="list-item-date_small">{% FormatDateTime(EventDate, "h:mm tt") %} {% if(Contains(EventTimeZone.toString(), "GMT")) { return Substring(Replace(EventTimeZone.toString(), " (US & Canada)", ""),12) } else { return EventTimeZone; }#%}</span>
<span class="list-item-date_small">{% if (EventCity.Length > 0) { %} <p class="list-item-meta">{% EventCity %}, {% EventStateCode %}</p> {% } #%}</span>
<div class="list-item-text">
<h4 class="list-item-title"><a href="{% EventURL.ToString()==""?Transformation.GetDocumentUrl():EventURL #%}" target="{% EventURL.ToString()==""?"_top":"_blank" #%}" >{% DocumentName %}</a></h4>
{% IfEmpty(ETPCode, "", "<p class=\"list-item-meta mar-bottom\"><a href=\"" + Documents["/Events"].RelativeURL + "?filter=" + ETPCode + "\">" + IfCompare(ETPCode, "Chapter", "", EventChapter + " ") + ETPCode + "</a></p>")#%}
<p class="list-item-meta">{% foreach(cat in Documents[NodeAliasPath].Categories.Where("CategoryNamePath Like '/NASBA/%' AND CategoryEnabled = 1").TopN(1)){ return "NASBA: " } #%} {% foreach(cat in Documents[NodeAliasPath].Categories.Where("CategoryNamePath Like '/NASBA/%' AND CategoryEnabled = 1")){ if(x >= 1) { print(", "); } x++; print(cat.CategoryDisplayName + IfCompare(cat.CategoryParentID, 19, " (Non-Technical)", " (Technical)")); }#%}</p>
Here's the error message:
Error while evaluating expression: foreach(cat in Documents[NodeAliasPath].Categories.Where("CategoryNamePath Like '/NASBA/%' AND CategoryEnabled = 1")){ if(x >= 1) { print(", "); } x++; print(cat.CategoryDisplayName + IfCompare(cat.CategoryParentID, 19, " (Non-Technical)", " (Technical)")); }|(user)administrator|(hash)d202490aa4578353a98ad8394f1d577bf9cb712fcc7ed8b3fce4d90265a8120d
CMS.MacroEngine.EvaluationException: Exception occured while evaluation of the expression 'foreach (cat in Categories.Where("CategoryNamePath Like \'/NASBA/%\' AND CategoryEnabled = 1")) { ... }': Enumerable object expected within foreach loop.
I know the transformation works because I can see the proper output on our site in the repeater. I'm at a loss to determine what could be causing this exception. Any help would be appreciated.