Hi Sandro,
cms:LanguageDataSource will return objects of 'CMS.DocumentEngine.DocumentCultureUrl' type. That means that all columns that you mention will be in basic repeater, because they are in datasource. Can you check:
- Do you get correct values from datasource. It could be empty?
- Did you connected LanguageDataSource and BasicRepeater properly? Maybe you get correct values from data source, but your repeater did not render them at all. You can test this by changing transformation to have some dummy text right before (or after) <%# Eval("CultureCode") %> in basic repeater.
If you want to check do have any available cultures, you can call this on master page:
<%# DocumentURLProvider.GetDocumentCultureUrls(CurrentDocument, URLHelper.RemoveQuery(RequestContext.CurrentURL), "", UrlOptionsEnum.UseCultureSpecificURLs).Count %>
This peace of code will return number of available cultures. If you get 0, it means that datasource is empty.
Best Regards,