Hello all,
I'm very new to Kentico and am having some trouble setting up my Master Page's Mega Nav. So far, this is what I've done: I've added all of my HTML to the CMS, deleted all code within my Mega Nav's container element, and inserted a Web Part Zone in its place. I then tried to add a repeater web part, but am stuck at this point. I'm not really sure how this works, and any help would be amazing!
Thanks in advance,
Shawn, take a look at this article. Should you get you off in the right direction.
Thanks Joel, I am going to give this a shot and hope it works out! Great resource, thanks so much.
I think what I am trying to figure out is... where does Navigation content get entered? If I have a navigation web part thats in a zone, where does the actual content get generated? ex. the words: Home, About, Portfolio, Contact etc. Thanks!
Add pages to your content tree and they will automatically appear, like voodoo magic! You might check out the documentation on getting started.
Thanks Brenden, it all makes sense now! (not quite all, but I'm on a high at the moment - and just got my main navigation working) Cheers.
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