Hi there,
Last night our site started throwing exceptions and was unreachable. Looking at the event log, the following two lines of the web.config were mentioned. This has never happened before, and is a bit concerning.
We also get frequent shutdowns (Message: HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown) due to inactivity, and have tried many different options to keep the site alive, but nothing seems to work. The odd time the site never comes back from the shutdown, and a restart has to be done manually (not ideal).
I couldn't find much online, other than restarting the site. I'm hoping for a more permanent solution so it doesn't happen again.
What kind of custom code do you have in the site? Any? Typically bad custom code causes the site to crash like that. If you look in the server's event log what kind of asp.net errors are you getting? Those will typically give you more information.
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