kentico 12 MVC widget need to add custom fileupload contro

innovix solutions asked on February 4, 2019 05:42

Hi All,

We want to use fileupload control in custom widget control development. We cannot seems to find fileupload control and Is there a way to do it?

Recent Answers

Ilesh Mistry answered on February 4, 2019 08:14

One option is to create a simple one of your own as an in-line widget.

File uploader

Then save that value once the upload have been successful.

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innovix solutions answered on February 4, 2019 08:34 (last edited on February 8, 2019 11:09)

Hi Mistry,

yeah. We need to create a custom upload-er control and once user uploaded where do i need to save the files? Do you how user will able to preview the file that has been being uploaded?

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