Kentico 10 DancingGoat MVC sample project no data in Web Analytics reports

David Yu asked on June 16, 2017 21:03

There are no data in Web Analytics reports for any MVC sites. Running the Kentico 10 DancingGoat MVC sample in visual studio. Open Kentico admin site, Turn on Enable web analytics of Web Analytics setting for Dancing Goat MVC application. Turn on Log via JavaScript snippet of Web Analytics setting for Dancing Goat MVC application. Go to On-line marking application -> contact management -> Activity log, can see a lot of pages visiting logs there. But go to reporting application -> Page views, choose any reports, don't have any data in the reports.

Recent Answers

Eric Garrison answered on June 17, 2017 03:17

I would check that Scheduled Tasks> Process analytics log -- Job is running and not error. Then I would check the Analytics tables in the database.

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David Yu answered on June 19, 2017 15:56

Process analytics log -- Job is running ok and no error. All portal engine projects like "Community Site" have data in reports. Only the DancingGoat MVC project has no data in reports.

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Eric Garrison answered on June 19, 2017 16:11

I have an unmodified V10.0.22 copy of Goat and when I got to page like Web Analytics>All Traffic Sources > Monthly. I am getting data. One thing, I have my MVC copy setup running on IIS, not the visual studio built in server. That make my install a bit more like the Portal Engine. Kentico does write out some temp files when it does analytics. Maybe those are not able to write in your setup. Go to System>Files>Test. I would first make sure that I get all OK.

We run the Kentico code under Perforce Source control. If I do frequently have issue where Perforce has folders locked and things like thumbnail images don't write, etc in the dev stages. That is why I test code on local copy of IIS 8.5 vs the Visual Studio. I am publishing to that folder and removing some of the READ ONLY flags on folders.

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David Yu answered on June 19, 2017 23:18 (last edited on June 20, 2017 20:37)

I publish Dancing goat MVC to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DancingGoatMvc. And give all user full control rights. Still no data for Web Analytics reports. URL is There are no data in Web Analytics>All Traffic Sources > Monthly reports. Can you check "Page views" report to see if you have data like "\home","\about" page visit times? If you visit, you will got data for "\" visits, but that is not right data. Thanks!

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