Is there a Kentico URL Wildcard Mapping Extension

Okey Cassin asked on January 25, 2022 08:37

I am migrating a site from a legacy PHP (not WordPress) CMS with a specific URL pattern for categories & products to Kentico 11 webforms. With plans in 2021 to migrate to v13 / MVC!

Does Kentico have a helper function or extension that will map URL requests which can be correlated to a pattern in Kentico? This would redirect users to the appropriate product category, grid, or detail page and not end up at a 404.

The existing site uses the following pattern for Products. index.php/home/category/{0}/{00}/{00}/(00000} Each path corresponds to a common set of categories, sub categories, general products and specific products (size, color, accessories, etc.) There are over 550 specific products across 7 categories Official Website

.com/index.php/home/category/1/18/15/17999 would map to .com/category/products/product-type/standard

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on January 25, 2022 16:31

You'd need to enable the .php extension, then you can add page aliases on the given page(s) you want to map to. However, there isn't anything "automatic" that will do all of that for you unless you can come up with some rule to put in an IIS Redirect/Rewrite.

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Juraj Ondrus answered on January 26, 2022 06:56

To add to what Brenden wrote, this article on custom URL redirection module could be handy too.

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Eugene Paden answered on February 16, 2022 21:19 (last edited on February 16, 2022 21:20)

Hi Okey,

I second Brenden, the way to do this especially when you have a preset source and destination pattern is to use IIS URL Rewrite rules.

We've done this when we migrated 300k+ articles from Drupal to Kentico.

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