I have a biz form which is embedded in an overlay via a form webpart/widget. On successful submission, this form needs to return a rather complex "thank you" message. Since this message needs to remain in the overlay, the "Redirect to URL:" option won't work. I'm using an update panel such that the "Display text:" option works fairly well. The problem is that I need to pass a rather sizeable chunk of HTML - and I may even need access to data. I've changed the textbox to a textarea in the Bizform_Edit_General.ascx module, but this only gives me more room to type in the HTML, which is still less than ideal, and macros don't seem to work here. I feel like there has to be a better way to do this. Ideas?
Kentico 10 ASPX Templates + Portal
Why can't you use the URL redirect and still have it open in the overlay? This would be a simpler approach than trying to modify the out of the box code.
Another approach might be to create a custom webpart which handles this for you.
If I redirect and then open a new overlay, once the overlay is closed, the user would be on a different page than when he/she started, which could easily be confusing, particularly since the overlay can be brought up from any page in the site.
Instead of Textarea, can you add HTMLEditor in there?
<cms:CMSHtmlEditor FullPage="True" ID="htmlEditor" runat="server" Width="650px" Height="300px" />
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