How do I disable CSS minification?

Bryan Drenner asked on September 10, 2014 20:58

This documentation page says:

You can enable or disable code minification and compression globally for all sites in Settings -> System -> Performance, through the settings in the Resources category.

However, when I uncheck "Allow CSS minification", my CSS still gets minified.

Recent Answers

Yehuda Lando answered on September 10, 2014 21:35

And your site doesn't override the global configuration?

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Bryan Drenner answered on September 10, 2014 21:38

If I choose a specific site, the "Resources" section disappears. It appears to be global-only setting.

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Brenden Kehren answered on September 11, 2014 06:17

It is global only. You might want to log out of Kentico before fully testing.

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Martin Danko answered on September 12, 2014 13:34

Hello Bryan,

Could you please describe in more details how did you find out that the minification is not disabled? How are you testing it, etc.?

Kentico is modifying physical files, therefore you are not able to see the minification "directly" even when it's enabled.

Best regards, Martin

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