how change the style of users Account information Webpart

Reza sh asked on January 20, 2016 08:28

hi. i used the profile webpart. this webpart have a few tabs. how can i change the style of tabs? thanks.

Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on January 20, 2016 08:56


what do you want to do? If you need an other HTML structure you'll be needing to edit the code (preferably clone Kentico default webpart) and make your changes. But you should be able to adjust styling using your own css.


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Reza sh answered on January 20, 2016 09:03

hi David. i want to change the style and make it more beautiful. no problem for the style css. just tell me what should i do exactly ,please :)

could you tell me about the variant of produtc css style?! there are two option for show variant of product, Radio button and Dropdown list. where should i go for change that two controllers style? thanks a lot.

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Brenden Kehren answered on January 20, 2016 17:14

For the webpart, you can create a new layout. Check out the documentation.

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Joshua Adams answered on January 20, 2016 18:02 (last edited on January 20, 2016 18:09)

CSS may be the easiest way to change the layout, otherwise, there is a contol that you could clone if you needed different html. Looks like the control used is : <cms:BasicTabControl ID="tabMenu" runat="server" />, which may be difficult to find/in the source code.

CSS will allow you to change it without having to clone the control and modify, another option could be jQuery if you really don't want to get into the code and html. It sounds like the changes that you are wanting can be accomplished using css and seeing what Kentico renders, and attaching the styles to the generated classes and ids if needed.

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Reza sh answered on January 20, 2016 18:16

well thanks for answer. @Brenden Kehren , some webparts does not have a Specified layout, such as product details, in that layout are just this:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
Inherits="CMSWebParts_Viewers_Basic_BasicRepeater" CodeFile="~/CMSWebParts/Viewers/Basic/BasicRepeater.ascx.cs" %>

so what should id do?! actually my boss wants to i create the exact color for the product and this is a huge request and my position is in danger!!! when i open the ShoppingCartItemSelector.ascx it seems i open the universe! very difficult to modify that! i'm a dead man!!!

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Brenden Kehren answered on January 20, 2016 18:22

So for those webparts, you typically create transformations to display the data. A basic repeater is simply a standard repeater you connect to a datasource.

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Reza sh answered on January 20, 2016 18:25

@Brenden yes of curse. what do you think about the product Details?! thanks.

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