How can I apply alternating styles to items in a repeater?

HelenaG Grulichova asked on August 7, 2012 05:13

How can I apply alternating styles to items in a repeater?

Correct Answer

HelenaG Grulichova answered on August 7, 2012 05:13

You can do this by making use of the DataItemIndex property.
The following example will create an opening div tag that uses a different class for odd and even items:

<%-- Add one to zero-indexed DataItemIndex --%>
<%# ((1+DataItemIndex)%2)==0?"<div class='even'>":"<div class='odd'" %>

See the following Knowledgebase article for more details on special properties available in transformations:
Using special item data in transformation



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Recent Answers

web dev answered on December 7, 2017 13:44

That <%# ((DataItemIndex%2)==0?"

":"<div class='odd'" %> is correctly

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Youn IRAGUI answered on December 7, 2017 14:03

I see that the right solution is: DataItemIndex%2

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Youness IRAGUI answered on December 8, 2017 13:11 (last edited on December 8, 2017 13:13)

Here is the effective solution: DataItemIndex Mod 2

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