Failed local installation of K13 Xperience

Lesley Cook asked on May 14, 2024 17:06


  • I have given my user as well as the admin and trustedinstaller user all full access to the 'inetpub/wwwroot' folder.
  • I have tried the download as admin and deleted old download attempts from the above mentioned folder.
  • upon install no modules were unselected (i didnt even have an option to 'unselect' modules.
  • no errors in the log files for the install.
  • Similar issue to this post but no solution found.
  • I tried the download without the IIS setup and no luck.
  • I have also tried to download in another local folder to see if it was a permission issue but to no avail.

Please let me know if there is something I should try or additional details you require.

Recent Answers

Lesley Cook answered on May 14, 2024 17:08

[2024-05-14 10:42:56] Modifying main project file (CMSApp.csproj)...
[2024-05-14 10:42:56] Modifying main project file finished.
[2024-05-14 10:42:56] Modifying main project file (CMSApp.csproj)...
[2024-05-14 10:42:56] Modifying main project file finished.
[2024-05-14 10:43:17] Deleting unselected modules.
[2024-05-14 10:43:17] Unselected modules have been deleted.
[2024-05-14 10:43:17] Copying files was finished successfully.
[2024-05-14 10:43:17] 
[2024-05-14 10:43:17] Writing application name to the config file...
[2024-05-14 10:43:17] Application name has been written.
[2024-05-14 10:43:17] Installation failed.
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Lesley Cook answered on May 14, 2024 21:16 (last edited on May 14, 2024 21:17)

Additional note: I attempted to do the download on a fresh VM and got the same issue at the same spot in the installation (after lib like in the logs). Im at the office so maybe its a network restriction issue. I will try to download again on my pc at home and will update this thread.

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Lesley Cook answered on May 20, 2024 22:07

Update: No luck on my home network either.

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Lesley Cook answered on May 21, 2024 16:58

Update: The install also failed on my personal computer on my home network. This seems more like an issue with the install or requirements prior to doing the install. This is version 13 without any refresh in case it is on the installer.

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Elmar Höfinghoff answered on May 23, 2024 11:23

A fresh K13 installation is normally running fine. Maybe you could try to use a custom location and not the default wwwroot folder, which has some special restrictions and security.

Here's what I do usually:

  1. Prepare the target folder for the installation. I use drive D:/projects/myproject and not longer! Because Windows still can't manage pathes longer than 256 characters in year 2024
  2. Assure your user has full admin rights and full access to the whole D:/projects/ folder and all subfolders.
  3. Run the Kentico 13 Installer. Kentico will ask for installer files only or if a CMS project should directly also be installed. Choose Installer files only. Choose your standard C:/windows/programs... folder to install the Kentico Installation Manager (KIM) with the installer. It's not the project, it's the management tool which is needed to install all projects.
  4. Start the KIM as admin and install a new project to your D:/projects/myproject/ source folder. You can choose the install location in wwwroot or a custom folder. Choose the custom folder.
  5. Install should be runnning.
  6. Afterwards add a new application in IIS, select the D:/projects/myproject/[mvcwebname]/ folder as target.
  7. Add a virtual application in the new IIS application, name it CMS, and target D:/projects/myproject/CMS/ as target. As alternative you could of course also set up two "real" applications, not a virtual one.
  8. Go to the file system and give the global IISUSRS read access to D:/projects/myproject/
  9. Do this again for the concrete IIS App-Pool Users, give here full access to the /CMS and /MVCWebName folders.
  10. You could consider to give "everyone" full access on your local dev environment. This makes it a little easier, but is also not secure anymore.
  11. Don't forget to set the Domain(s) used to access the CMS and Web in your local "hosts" file in /windows/system32/drivers/etc

This is how I use to set it up.

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Elmar Höfinghoff answered on May 23, 2024 11:27

The installer can be downloaded in the client portal. It's Assure you use the correct, official installer.

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Lesley Cook answered on May 28, 2024 17:02

Thanks for the response Elmar. I tried doing the install on a local folder and manually giving myself admin privs for the parent folder and double checked all subfolders. I ran the KIM as admin with the new target folder and no dice.

I also uncheck the register with IIS in case that was an issue but no luck.

Let me know if you have any other ideas.

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Lesley Cook answered on May 28, 2024 17:04

This was the installer steps before failing:

Installation failed.
Application name has been written.
Writing application name to the config file...

Copying files was finished successfully.
Unselected modules have been deleted.
Deleting unselected modules.
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Elmar Höfinghoff answered on May 29, 2024 10:13

Which project type do you select during the installation? Do you have a valid SQL user login? Which Installer version do you use? Try to hotfix the KIM to the latest hotfix version and try again. Which environment do you use? Wich windows version do you have? Are there any errors logged to other log systems as well? Windows logs or IIS logs? Do you fullfill the system requirements listed here: ?

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Juraj Ondrus answered on June 24, 2024 05:29

Are all the system requirements installed? Is also the IIS and other Windows features enabled and installed in the "Turn Windows feature on/off"?

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