Effective way to find collisioned Page alias

Cristhian Caldas asked on April 25, 2017 00:43


I had a problem in a Kentico site with a page alias wich is collisioned with other page alias or page URL paths when it is created; i was reading a previous question refered with my issue , but because of the site has a huge amount of pages i couldn´t find another way to find collisoned pages alias instead of searching each page alias manually in the kentico site.

I would like to know an effective way to find this information.


Recent Answers

Michal Samuhel answered on April 25, 2017 08:48

Hi Christian. Have you tried using Kinspector (https://github.com/Kentico/KInspector) it should check for duplicate page aliases (https://github.com/Kentico/KInspector/pull/59/files) and it could be useful in your case, or you could use code to create your own module with adjusted search conditions.

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Cristhian Caldas answered on April 25, 2017 16:13

I'ts a good way; but is it exists another way into the CMS for searching this info?


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Brenden Kehren answered on April 25, 2017 16:47

Kentico will tell you if there is going to be a collision BUT it will not for any URLs which have wildcards in them. SO if you're not using wildcards, then you're just fine, if you are, then you'd have to perform a search when you go to add a new alias (you can search all aliases there).

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Cristhian Caldas answered on April 25, 2017 18:34 (last edited on April 25, 2017 21:08)

Ok, but in case of performing a search of pages which have wildcards, how can be the way for it? Or if exist any documentation for performing this search?


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