Download just KIM 8.2

Eric Garrison asked on March 17, 2015 18:32

I upgraded from 8.1 to 8.2.5 and now want to patch the 8.2 code. The problem is that KIM did not upgrade with the previous upgrade. Does anyone know where I can just download KIM 8.2? I am going into all the folders and do not find where the source is either.

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on March 17, 2015 18:59

You download the whole 8.2 installer. When installing, you can choose to install just the install files without a new website.

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Martin Danko answered on March 21, 2015 08:58

Hi Eric,

As Brenden said, there isn't any installer just for KIM. You have to use Kentico Installer and during the Custom installation select option to Install program files only as you can see in the Documentation - step 3.

Regards, Martin

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