Custom Media Library folder: Resource not found

Motive CMS Team asked on June 12, 2014 03:50

I have configured a site to store media Library content in an external folder (e.g. C:\Website\Media) and can upload content without issues but the Permanent links that are being generated are always returning 'The resource cannot be found', what am I doing wrong?

Extention-less URL's are configured and 'Use site-specific sub-folders for custom media libraries folder' is set to false.

Kentico v6.0.58 (SP1)

Thanks Anthony

Recent Answers

Roman Koníček answered on July 13, 2014 00:28

Hi Anthony,

If you remove path to custom media library folder and leave the default location, are you able to access the content of media library via pernament links? Also could you please post the actual pernament link?

Best regards, Roman Konicek

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Motive CMS Team answered on October 7, 2014 13:03

Hi Roman,

Thank you for your response & apologies for the delayed reply.

I tried removing the 'Media libraries folder' setting and uploaded a new file (which went to the default directory on the server) but the permalink was still returning a 404.

The paths being generated via the Media library picker on a doc type property & the preview URL in the media libraries are in the following format '/getmedia/4554367f-adea-459d-85b7-4eb5dba21af1/test'.

I believe enabling extension-less URL's will be the cause of the issue but i cannot a resolution.

Thanks Anthony

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Roman Koníček answered on December 31, 2014 13:00

Hi Anthony,

I have been trying to reproduce the issue on Kentico CMS version 6.0.58. But I was unable to reproduce it on my end. Could you please send me the email to and provide me the credentials so I could investigate the issue right on your site?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards, Roman Konicek

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