Chat support is not available message

jack jack asked on October 10, 2014 03:25

I have created a support chat group with the following settings: Enabled: yes Private: no Is support: yes

I am logged in to support chat as admin and chat function is working. On second page I have Chat support request web part but it keeps on showing "support is not available". Any idea what is missing? I am on Kentico 8.1.

Recent Answers

jack jack answered on October 27, 2014 05:16

Any help?? I am still waiting for answer. I have the chat support enabled for anonymous users. But chat support is not available.

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Martin Danko answered on November 21, 2014 13:02

Hello Jack,

To use Chat, you need to have Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) installed and properly configured:

See Configuring Windows Communication Foundation.

Best regards, Martin

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