Building a List Menu in a Zone

Sherry Collins asked on June 18, 2015 00:37

Hello I have a new page to build that has a list menu in the left zone:

Announcements My Tasks Project Documents and so on

I tried using the CSSMenu, but it does not seem to be configurable. Is that true? If so, what would be the best webpart to use.

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on June 18, 2015 03:52

You can configure it but you're limited with what you can and can't set. Depending on if you need to have multiple levels or not, you could simply use a repeater. Otherwise I'd suggest the Hierarchical or Universal viewers

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Rui Wang answered on June 18, 2015 16:22

If the left menu is random links from all over the website, there won't be easy way to use menu or listing web parts to cherry pick them. The simplest way maybe use Static HTML web part to create UL with those links and style it to look like menu.

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