Add placeholder text to input

pss development asked on March 23, 2015 17:10

Is it possible to add a placeholder text to a form control? I'm trying to create a custom online ASCX form layout.

I tried the following:

<cms:FormControl runat="server" ID="iEmailadres" Field="Emailadres" FormControlName="emailinput" CssClass="" placeholder="E-mailadres" />

But it doesn't show the (html5) placeholder. Is there another way to achieve this functionality?


Instead of showing the placeholder attribute in the input tag, it is shown in the (auto generated) div surrounding the input:

Image Text

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on March 23, 2015 18:28

Kentico uses the watermark extender from the Ajax Control Toolkit. The placeholder property you are using puts a placeholder around the control. So you'd have to assign the watermark text. It might be better to actually specify a type of control as well like <cms:CMSTextbox> vs the form control, but that depends on your needs I guess.

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pss development answered on March 24, 2015 13:29

Thanks, changing it to <cms:CMSTextbox> allows me to add the placeholder property. But how do I link it to the form field?

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Brenden Kehren answered on March 24, 2015 14:21

The form field is a wrapper for the individual controls, so unless you need it, I'd stick with the individual controls.

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