New on DevNet: Disqus Comments
We are continuously listening to your feedback and improving DevNet based on your comments. This time, we have brought you a whole new discussion experience, so read on...
In the past months, we've been conducting research and involving some of you in helping us to identify top things to improve on DevNet. One of them was to bring some fresh air into discussions. We were looking for a platform that most people would be used to using and that had the potential to attract new visitors. After investigating, we've decided to go with Disqus Engage, which is by far the most popular discussion platform on the Internet these days. Disqus threads are now available for articles and marketplace items.
The biggest change from the visitor's perspective is that commenting no longer requires approval from Kentico staff. This was made possible mainly because of two reasons:
- Disqus has its own anti-spam filter
- All users are required to be authenticated in order to post comments
We believe a looser moderation strategy will be more encouraging for debaters to take part in discussions. In this regard, we'd like to ask you to help us keep the discussions:
- relevant — by upvoting on-topic comments and
- clean — by flagging the inappropriate and spammy ones.
For users with a regular DevNet account, basically, nothing changes. By default, their DevNet account will be used to authenticate them with Disqus. If they already have a Disqus account that they want to use, they can override this behavior by editing their user profile at any time.
For the rest, Disqus offers several authentication options, including logging in with Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts.

While Disqus offers a whole bunch of great features, I'd like to pinpoint at least some of them. As a commentator, you can:

We'd like to ask you kindly to:
- be nice and polite, especially to newcomers
- stick to the topic
- only use English
- be aware that you are solely responsible for what you post
- avoid using obscenities or hate speech
- respect author's law
Violation of the last two will lead to your comments being deleted — repeat violation will lead to your account being banned.
We are eager to hear what you think about the Disqus platform and its integration with DevNet. Would you like us to open-source the whole code? Let us know...