New and Free at Kentico Marketplace: Tweetico, Tab Menu Switcher and New Website Templates

Check out these new items at Kentico Marketplace
Two web parts and several website templates were submitted to the Marketplace in the recent days.

Biznet Internet Solutions, a Kentico Gold partner from Michigan, USA, provided us with Tweetico, a web part that displays latest tweets from a Twitter public timeline. One feature that sets this web part apart from other Twitter web parts at the Marketplace is the ability to use a custom transformation where you can get values of eleven various fields from each tweet, which makes it fully customizable. Tweetico also allows displaying tweets from multiple Twitter timelines and specifying the number of tweets to display.

Tab Menu Switcher
Tab Menu Switcher, submitted by ASG consulting, a Kentico Gold partner from Czech Republic, renders a menu from user-specified parameters. The web part has only two properties - MenuItems, a list of menu items separated by commas, and ParameterName, the query string parameter that will be added to URL. Then if you place other web parts on a page together with this one and specify the Visibility property of these web parts (like {%ParameterName|(equals)value%}), you can switch between different content of a page by clicking the menu items.

Website Templates
We have also received six simple web site templates suitable for personal sites from one of our users. All these templates contain general pages, an image gallery and a Contact Us page. You can find the GoldFish Template, Brown Template, Sunrise Template and the others at Kentico Marketplace or at

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Daniela Kubikova

Hi, I am Marketplace Administrator and my posts are about what is new in Kentico Marketplace.
