• images.zip- Hotfix install
    Question May 8, 2024
    I don't see anything in the hotfix instructions mentioning images.zip in the CMS\App_Themes\Default\Images\Images.zip location. Does the hotfix utility manage or should we extract somewhere or just leave alone?

  • Applying Kentico Hotfix
    Question Jul 5, 2024
    Environment: Kentico Xperience 13 on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine I'm trying to figure out an easier/faster way to apply hotfixes on Production (PROD) site after the Development (DEV) is updated. I follow the hotfix instructions here (https://docs.kentico.com/13/installat...

  • new DLL after hotfix
    Question Sep 20, 2022
    this just showed in a site after the most recent hotfix... BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll is it legit?

  • Hotfix Newtonsoft.Json Error
    Question Jul 6, 2023
    I did an hotfix from 13.0.83 to 13.0.115. I am getting below error when I launch CMS project Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESUL...

  • error after hotfix 13.0.99
    Question Feb 1, 2023
    The type 'Global' is ambiguous: it could come from assembly 'C:\Users\myuser\source\repos\intranet.northernlighthealth.org\CMS\bin\CMS.DLL' or from assembly 'C:\Users\myuser\source\repos\intranet.northernlighthealth.org\CMS\bin\CMSApp.DLL'. Please specify the assembly explicit...

  • error after hotfix
    Question May 11, 2022
    I just updated my site and am getting this error, however I am able to see the folder it is looking for System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: 'C:\Users\{username}\.nuget\packages\kentico.xperience.aspnetcore.webapp\13.0.69\staticwebassets\' any thoughts?

  • weird issue with linq after hotfix
    Question Feb 7, 2023
    Has anyone else notice any issues with LINQ queries returning null after the hotfix? var quickLink = _ctxOld.QuickLinks .Where(item => item.UserId == userid) .FirstOrDefault(item => item.ItemID == QuickLinkID); var quickLink2 = _c...

  • Missing Banner Images Post 12.103 hotfix update
    Question Jul 11, 2023
    Hi Team, we have recently applied the kantico hotfix 1.103 in our dev environment and post that finding issue like missing banner images in various pages. May request immediate support.

  • Applied HotFix Forgot to Run CI Serialize before running CI so Hotfix changes removed
    Question Oct 6, 2022
    Applied HotFix Forgot to Run CI Serialize before running CI so Hotfix changes removed, How do I get hotfix changes back?

  • Kentico 12 SP - hotfix upgrade from 12.0.96 to 12.0.101
    Question Oct 11, 2022
    Applied hotfix version 12.0.101 in the existing 12.0.96 Kentico website. Kentico Admin website is still showing 12.0.96 version. any help?

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