• Context Values in Generic Handlers (.ASHX) and Web Services / WebMethods (.ASMX)
    Knowledge Base Article Jan 24, 2014
    By default in .NET framework, Generic Handlers and Web Services are processed in session separate from the one created upon visiting site using the usual means (.ASPX). This article explains what it means for you as a Kentico developer and how to modify your code in order to ...

  • How to add fields to EventAttendee
    Question Apr 7, 2015
    Hi How custom fields can be added to the EventAttendeee class on Kentico 8.2? I've tried multiple ways but those seem not to be working when Kentico is deployed on Azure that way returns false and fields are not added http://bitwizards.com/blog/may-2013/how-to-add-event-at...

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