• Azure blob storage for all Kentico files
    Question Sep 28, 2018
    I have an Azure Web App with all files stored on the web app itself. I'm looking at using Azure blob storage for all Kentico files (add key="CMSExternalStorageName" value="azure"). Which files and folders would I need to move from the web app to blob storage? Would it be ev...

  • Issues with Uploading Media files on Azure WebApp
    Question Jul 15, 2020
    Hello , we are using Kentico MVC 12 , hosted on Azure WebAPP - and media storage is on Azure Storage Blob. When we go to Media app in Kentico and try to upload an image we are getting error Could not find file 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\App_Data\CMSTemp'. WebApp file structure...

  • Windows Azure Cache Service in Kentico CMS
    Knowledge Base Article Oct 8, 2013
    This article is a step-by-step guide on how to use Windows Azure Cache Service (still in preview mode) in Kentico CMS.

  • Video: Best Practices for Kentico CMS and Windows Azure
    Article Jul 3, 2013
    Thanks to everyone that attended the Azure Kentico Conference! You can find all the session videos available here .   Session Description: Are you looking for practical, immediate and usable real answers examples and scenarios? Then don’t miss this session as we look...

  • Azure storage and multi-site Kentico instance
    Question Oct 26, 2015
    I'm looking for some support with Azure storage for a scenario not covered by your documentation. I plan to run two separate Kentico instances from one web server. I want both to use the same Azure storage account. If I understand it right, this could cause conflicts, for exam...

  • Kentico session data with Azure Redis cache
    Question Oct 29, 2019
    Hi all, I have a question about the using the Azure Redis cache to store the Kentico session data. We have multiple app services in different availability zones running the website, and each app service has the potential to scale out to multiple instances. The questions are...

  • Content staging hosted in Azure Webapp with TLS 1.2
    Question Dec 10, 2018
    Hi all, Does anyone use Kentico V10, host both Staging/UAT and Production in Azure Webapp, with SSL setup, and use Content Staging to push from Staging/UAT to Production? Do you use TLS 1.2 or 1.0? If you use 1.0, have you tried 1.2 and did you get any errors for connection? ...

  • Making the move to Windows Azure – Building a Kentico Windows Azure Practice (case study)
    Video Article Sep 25, 2012
    ***Secretly Recorded at Kentico Connections 2012 ***  So you know Kentico CMS, but want to understand how to leverage Windows Azure and the Cloud to increase options for your customers. Vince Mayfield, CEO of Bit-Wizards and Microsoft Virtual Technology Specialist for Window...

  • Kentico 12 MVC with Azure DevOps Pipelines
    Question Jul 10, 2019
    Hello, I’m working on Azure DevOps Pipelines for Kentico 12 MVC and when I release to the Azure App Service and restart the App Service I get an error on the MVC site: "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable". Wh...

  • Windows Azure Blob Container keeps resetting to Private
    Question Mar 30, 2014
    I have a site that I am running in Windows Azure Cloud Services. I am using the Kentico Azure application. All of my images and assets are stored in Cloud Storage under a container called cmsstorage. I need this to be public for the images on the site to load. I set it to publ...

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