• CMS desk is very slow
    Forum Post May 13, 2009
    Any tips to speed the CMS desk up? I am getting page load times of 30 seconds or more. The best page load time I have seen is 12 seconds. This is with the "Display web part content" box unchecked. This only happens on the page and design tabs when applying changes or clicking ...

  • Searching content
    Forum Post Jan 15, 2010
    I know I must be missing something. But I can not get the Search nor Smart Search search box to do a wild card search without manually typing in a * at the end of my query. I have a few pages (that happen to be products) That are named PV123, PV234, ... When I search by ...

  • Registering for downloads - save as cookie or log into site?
    Forum Post Nov 5, 2010
    Hello, we wish to offer resources such as whitepapers and success stories (PDF files) on our website. However, we'd like to capture information from site visitors before they're allowed to download the resource. Does anyone have any tips on how to achieve this? I've f...

  • Website logon page URL/Macros
    Forum Post Nov 21, 2011
    Hello, I have a Question on specifiying the Logon-Page that is called after a unauthenticated User tries to access a secured Page. I would like in that case to reload the current page with an added querystring parameter i.e. if current page is ~/Home.aspx, it should e...

  • how to set Home page without Home.aspx for SEO
    Forum Post Jun 28, 2012
    Hi, I have used a page analyzer tool http://www.seoworkers.com/tools/analyzer.html and it reports many flaws on my Home page from an SEO point of view like no title tag. However if I browse www.mydomain.com then the title tag is there. Now if I specify www.mydomain.com/hpm...

  • RE:Two Sites Become One
    Forum Post Feb 5, 2013
    If you are talking about bring sites on separate Kentico installations under one Kentico installation, then you could use the "Export object" feature on one site and "Import site or objects" feature on the other. This should bring both your sites under one Kentico installation...

  • How to use different CSS List Menu web parts in device layouts
    Forum Post Aug 7, 2013
    I am struggling to make changes in separate device layouts. The default page template has a CSS List Menu that shows one level. I would like to change the CSS List Menu to show all child levels in device layouts for mobile devices. I have a separate device layout crea...

  • RE:SQL query for Repeater
    Forum Post Oct 10, 2013
    Many to Many That article is a good primer on how to accomplish this task. I added a split function to my database and was able to then use something like this SELECT ##TOPN## ##COLUMNS## FROM View_custom_news_Joined CROSS APPLY dbo.Custom_Fn_ColumnSplit(View_custom_...

  • any tips and tricks to speeding Kentico up?
    Question May 10, 2015
    One other issue I am having is that I find it quite slow when running on my desktop with Visual Studio. And I'm on a fast machine with SSD drive and 16 GB RAM. Seems like building and viewing the site takes a really long time. I am running it as a "web application" and I re...

  • Top 10 Kentico Websites for May – Holiday Tips, Company Presentations & Sports Portals
    Article Jul 6, 2011
    With “slight” delay (caused by holiday), we are bringing a presentation of great projects of the month powered by Kentico CMS . The Top 10 for June is coming next week (so no more delay).

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