• RE:excluding documents from search results
    Forum Post Jul 25, 2008
    Any answers...? I'm building another site at the moment which will also have a search facility, and I will want to limit the results.

  • RE:limit chracters <%# Eval("SKUDescription") %>
    Forum Post Apr 22, 2009
    Hello, Could you please try to use following sample code: <%# LimitLength(Eval("SKUDescription"), 10 , "...") %> Best Regards, Martin Dobsicek

  • RE:<%# Eval("####") %> define text limit
    Forum Post Oct 14, 2009
    Sorry - Also realised that this question is in the wrong section, initially thought it would not matter but may explain some of the issue. If it can be moved over that would be great Thanks Gavin

  • publish
    Forum Post Dec 24, 2009
    i want to limit the publish button clicks. can i get some help on this and also where can i find the button click event for the publish

  • RE:Error in Database setup - Step 3
    Forum Post Feb 2, 2010
    Hello. Thank you for clarification. What is memory limit per one DB on your SQL Server? Best Regards, Radek Macalik

  • RE:Limit an editor to one section of site?
    Forum Post Jul 19, 2010
    Figured this out. Finally found a reference to "Starting Path Alias" This is where you set the starting location for a user.

  • Limiting Rows in CMSRepeater
    Forum Post Jul 30, 2010
    Hi! Is there anyway to limit the number of items the CMSRepeater shows? I'm trying to only show the next four events on our homepage. Thanks! -Eric

  • RE:Limit Downloads to Authenticated Users for Document Attachments
    Forum Post Oct 19, 2010
    I had to make some adjustments as the code you sent along did not attach .aspx and my site is not configured without extensions. {(1)%username|(equals)public|(truevalue)<div class="notLoggedList"><br /><p>To download these attachments, please <a href="~/Login.aspx?ReturnU...

  • min and Max bounds for total order amount
    Forum Post Sep 2, 2011
    Hello everybody, does exists a way to limit both the min and/or the max amount for an order/shopping cart in the e-commerce module? Thank you. Marcello

  • Build a Portal Engine widget in MVC
    Article Apr 18, 2019
    Have you ever used a Portal Engine web part that did almost the thing you wanted, but not quite? Do you remember the CSS list menu generating all kinds of CSS classes except the ones your front-end designer wants? Or all the sleepless nights trying to fine-tune Repeaters? Wil...

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