• Jumping into MVC Development With Kentico - Part 1
    Article Jan 6, 2016
    By now you’ve probably heard about some of the great advancements and features in Kentico 9. Improved MVC support was one of the most anticipated updates as more and more developers transition to the (not so young) web development pattern. To support this development model, K...

  • Application Insights for Kentico
    Article Apr 29, 2016
    At the recent Build 2016 conference Microsoft really wowed developers with all sorts of new bells and whistles for Visual Studio, Azure, Bots, and Windows 10.  Included in some of the new enhancements for ASP.Net and Visual Studio was a pretty cool new feature called Visual S...

  • How to keep data in database from v8 to v9
    Question Aug 11, 2016
    Hi all, Before I do upgrade Kentico 8 to 9. I have a question "Can I move my data in database from Kentico 8 to Kentico 9? If yes, How to move? Thanks!

  • How to log user into kentico remotely
    Question Aug 22, 2016
    Hello everyone I wanted to know if there was a way to log a user in to kentico remotely from another third party site through the api, rest , soap or by incorporating the Kentico dlls in a third part app with access to the database? Thanks for your help Paul

  • Clean Install - Settings Page Not Loading
    Question Jul 13, 2017
    Hello Boys and Girls, I have a clean install of Kentico 10.0.27 and I've deployed it to Microsoft Azure. Everything was working just fine and I had just added credentials in the settings for the email server for SendGrid when all of a sudden, the settings screen started gett...

  • Uploading large file more than 2gb size not allowed
    Question Dec 20, 2019
    Hi, We came to a point that we have to upload files more than 2gb as attachment or in CMS.file. Looks like Kentico or ASP.NET itself does not allow it. I tried setting the maxrequestlength and maxallowedcontentlength to max but that did not work. If we switch to using Azure b...

  • The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailab
    Question Apr 26, 2017
    Hi I'm having following filestructure `/site/wwwroot/.well-known/acme-challenge/ `. These filenames all have the same structure, but the problem is, sometimes I'm getting following response: `The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is tem...

  • Switching live site between Core and Framework
    Question Dec 10, 2020
    If the admin site and the live site are on separate Azure app services (and separate domains), does the admin (CMS) site require any configuration differences if the live (MVC) site were to change between Core and Framework projects that had the same configurations?

  • Webserver Required Ports
    Question May 19, 2021
    Hi Guys, We are planning to upgrade our website hosting to Azure and finding an issue with email sending, can you advise the required ports for email sending to open, plus any other specific ports we will require? We have already opened 80 and 443. Cheers Les

  • RE:Error when deploying to Azure (Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException)
    Forum Post Jul 26, 2012
    I am getting the exact same error. It is showing up in the "Windows Azure Management Portal". I did the deployment via Visual Studio. I am also seeing the continual looping. This is the message that shows up in VS: 1:06:37 AM - Initializing... 1:06:37 AM - Instance 0 of ro...

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