• Does Kentico Auto-Prefix CDN Endpoint URLs to Media File Paths?
    Question Aug 21, 2018
    Is anyone here familiar with using Azure or Amazon CDN services with Kentico media libraries? I have a client running Kentico v10.0.21 with Amazon CloudFront CDN in the web.config. [https://docs.kentico.com/k10/custom-development/working-with-physical-files-using-the-api/confi...

  • Manual Web Farm Error in Event Log - Missing SQL Parameters
    Question May 5, 2020
    Hello, I am running a recently upgraded Kentico v12.0.6 MVC on an Azure Web App. I have set the MVC and CMS project to have a static Server Name in the web config. I have Web Farms set to Manual. Web Farms are healthy and named as expected. No pending tasks visible via Kentic...

  • Upgrading DynamicRouting
    Question Jan 19, 2021
    Hi, I'm having an issue with upgrading the DynamicRouting module. This is for the DynamicRouting module that installs in the Kentico Admin Console. I used nuget to upgrade my local instance from 12.29.9 to 12.29.18. The local upgrade ran smoothly and works fine. Then I d...

  • Kentico CMS Licensing for Cloud Hosting
    Article Jul 8, 2009
    We have added new license options for customers who want to use Kentico CMS in the cloud hosting environment, such as Mosso cloud hosting.

  • Announcing Kentico+, the SaaS Offering of Kentico in the Cloud
    Article Jun 6, 2012
    We have just launched our first SaaS product! Kentico EMS+ is the first fully integrated CXM solution provided as a managed service in the Windows Azure Cloud. The subscription model allows us to make Kentico EMS features more affordable, starting from just $999 per month inc...

  • Third party software licenses
    Page Sep 28, 2020
    MIT License   FancySelect ( https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paulstraw/FancySelect/master/LICENSE )  BX Slider ( https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenwanderski/bxslider-4/master/LICENSE.md )  Bootstrap ( https://raw.githubusercontent.com/twbs/bootstrap/m...

  • Processing Outgoing Tasks with the Kentico Integration Bus
    Article Jul 29, 2015
    Integrating Kentico with other systems is at the core of nearly every enterprise project. Often, data needs to be synced between Kentico and another source, requiring developers to create custom solutions to keep the information up to date. The Kentico Integration Bus provide...

  • A closer look at Kentico+
    Article Sep 4, 2013
    Kentico+ gives users all the stability, flexibility and scalability of Kentico Enterprise Marketing Solution (EMS), but is offered as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform. This post tells you what’s new in the recently released version 2.0 and how it can benefit you right a...

  • Kentico Deployment Best Practices or Options
    Question Jan 17, 2018
    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on the best deployment options (or best practices) for moving Kentico CMS changes through different environments (Dev -> Test -> Prod). I've read the documentation and, unless I've missed something, I can't seem to find the right option fo...

  • Access old production system by IP address
    Question Apr 8, 2020
    We need to access our old production Kentico system. Accessing it by IP address doesn't work; get 404 resource not found. There was some content on the production system that wasn't migrated to the new instance This content wasn't on the authoring instance. Any idea on how to...

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