• Newtonsoft.Json Error when running CI Continuous Integration
    Question Jul 22, 2022
    I updated Kentico 12 MVC CMS & App Newtonsoft.JSON to version 13. Now when running CI I get the error "Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The located assemb...

  • Retrieving Client IP in code
    Question Aug 10, 2022
    Hi, I have a live site in Knetico 13.0.78 using .net core and hosted on IIS 10. In the code i am trying to retrieve the IP address of the client. I have used code with .NET core but this is returning the IP of the Server and not teh clients IP. Does kentico have a function...

  • Page preview not loading after migrating to Kentico 13
    Question Sep 26, 2022
    Hi, I have migrated our website from Kentico 12 to Kentico 13. The page tab is not loading after the migration. Below is the stack trace of error in event log An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. Message: Try reloading the administrati...

  • K13 page template breaks "redirect to domain root" behaviour
    Question Nov 17, 2022
    Hello We have 'Home page URL behaviour' set to 'Redirect to domain root' and that has worked fine with our home page using a standard CTB controller. However that behaviour breaks after moving to use a single page template controller, and we get a 403 on the domain root URL....

  • weird ClaimsIdentity vs WindowsIdentity question
    Question Nov 4, 2022
    For our MVC Intranet site I am taking the current Active Directory user creating a kentico user for them and logging them in. Is it possible to still get the AD user information from the windows identity? When i use this `httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Identity` it c...

  • Client side JS Caching with GetResource.ashx
    Question Dec 7, 2022
    Hi Team, I'm working on the caching part in Kentico so as per the [documentation](https://docs.xperience.io/k12sp/configuring-kentico/configuring-caching/caching-on-portal-engine-sites/reference-cache-settings) I have applied `CMSPhysicalFilesCacheMinutes` `web.config` key. ...

  • How to get all categories defined from Kentico CMS?
    Question Mar 3, 2022
    Basically, I want get list of categories that defined from CMS. For example my `News` categories look like this: * Categories: * News * Food * Technologies * Travel * Computers So I want get list of categories in `News` category. Ca...

  • Custom Module
    Question Dec 15, 2022
    I am creating a custom module in K13 MVC I am unable to reference the object type when binding fields or on the properties tab in the UI setup. I have created my resource strings like this ObjectType.ContentZoneManager_ContentZone I think that is all I need to do so tha...

  • The user was not found in the JWT token, nor in the current virtual context URL.
    Question Sep 19, 2022
    Hi, I am getting following error while accessing the page builder on uat enviornment. Local instance its works fine. Kentico Core v13.0.82 An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. InvalidVirtualContextException: Try reloading the administration interface...

  • Migrate content from V12 to V13
    Question Feb 10, 2022
    Hi, We are revamping our website from Kentico version 12 to 13. We are using MVC architecture for 12 and now we have taken new website and developing in .Net Core for 13. Could you please advise how could i migrate the content (Page types, pages, custom tables, users) from K...

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