• Installation of second site into existing Xperience13 .core site
    Question Jun 21, 2022
    Hi, I know the Xperience 13 installation documentation says that you cannot install an additional site along side an existing .core site (but you can with MVC) We have an existing .core(5) site that we need to add an additional site to. Does anybody have experience (no pun) wi...

  • Upgrading Kentico 12 Portal to Kentico Xperience 13
    Article Oct 13, 2022
    With Kentico 12 Portal Engine's support ending this year, many clients are left wondering what to do with their sites.  Now there is an upgrade path to preserve not only your structured content, but also your widgets / template configuration data as well thanks to Heartland B...

  • Password protect dev/staging sites only
    Question Jun 29, 2022
    Currently, my dev and staging sites sit behind my firewall but I have a need to allow access to third parties. There is embargoed content on these systems that can't display when viewing the presentation side of the site. I can certainly turn on password protection but that is...

  • Redirect Alternative URL to PreferredCulture
    Question Sep 26, 2022
    When we used K11 we were able to create a Page Alias and redirect that specific Page alias to the current PreferredCulture from the User. For example We had a URL www.domain.com/en/products/maincategory/subcategory/product and www.domain.com/de/produkte/hauptkategorie/unterka...

  • Rich text editor don't work
    Question Jan 11, 2022
    I need to add inline editor in page builder for custom widgets and custom section. I have the same code for both views: ![Image Text](https://i.ibb.co/DrLFSct/Screenshot-2022-01-11-104028.png) For widgets it works fine, but not for section.

  • check if page is loading in admin vs live site
    Question Feb 17, 2022
    Is there a way to check if a page is loading in the admin vs the front end? I have code that I need to run only on the front end.

  • Form builder drop down
    Question Mar 6, 2022
    Hi, I want to add two visibility conditions for a drop-down. My drop-downs visibility depends on other two fields value in the form. Is it possible to have a two visibility conditions for a single field? If yes, how to do this?

  • Visibility of drop down
    Question Mar 3, 2022
    I want to display state dropdown only if user selects the country as UK and Department as HR. 1. Department dropdown value = HR 2. Country dropdown value = UK Then only display the State dropdown. Can you please guide me on how to achieve this. I am new to kentico. If you ...

  • Kentico License Key
    Question Aug 19, 2022
    Hi All, We are going to move our CMS into another server with new settings and IP. Do we need to request for a new license key or we can use the same one? We're using MVC for our CMS. If we need a new license key, can you provide that to us? Thank you, Kyle

  • Limit number of widgets
    Question Dec 15, 2022
    Hello We have a simple requirement to limit the number of widgets in an area. I note the following from k13 training: > Developers can limit what kinds of widgets and what number of instances can be put into page sections. The limit can be set on the page section level. How...

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