• RE:Smart Search indexes not being built
    Forum Post Aug 13, 2013
    Does your dev environment have permission to modify the folder the Smart Search indexes are kept in? Your website folder > App_Data > CMSModules > SmartSearch

  • RE:Smart search partial word
    Forum Post May 23, 2011
    I changed the search options to full. Search for pipe* now finds one page but not the other. Search for pip* finds no pages, so still not working properly

  • Using Search Result Set to populate Smart Search Filter options
    Forum Post Nov 24, 2011
    How can I use the results of a Search to populate the Smart Search filter options? eg: we have a filter 'Parent Nodes' - it lists all the parent nodes(and the document count) of all the 'page(menu items)' objects that have children in the search result. the Smart Search ...

  • Smart Search cannot find numbers???
    Forum Post Oct 16, 2012
    Hello, I am using the Smart search results with full text search option. This works fine, except for one important thing. Smart Search seems to ignore numbers. The website contains pdf reports. These reports have a so called report number. This number is in the filename ...

  • RE:SmartSearch Result
    Forum Post Sep 10, 2010
    Hi, Could you please make sure that smart search indexing is enabled (Site Manager ->Settings -> Enable smart search indexing)? Could you please confirm that you followed steps described in Developers guide. http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?smart_sear...

  • RE:Smart search problem
    Forum Post Apr 19, 2011
    Hi Gaurav, you can see a working example on the sample Corporate site in the content tree -> Examples -> Web parts -> Full-text search -> Smart search filter. The documentation is here: Using the smart search filter. What value in the Values property do you use? May...

  • RE:Filtering Smart Search results
    Forum Post Dec 1, 2011
    In a related vein: How / where can I see what fields are used by the smart search? For example, in the 'search condition' field I am using the NodeLinkedNodeID property - where can I see a list of others that I can also populate the search condition with?

  • How to hide smart search box button?
    Forum Post Feb 28, 2012
    I want to hide search button, and activate search function by hitting enter key after typing the key words in smart search box webpart . Is that possible? How?

  • RE:Smart Search Filters
    Forum Post Mar 12, 2012
    Hello, Sure, you can specify the Search webpart ID property of multiple Smart search filter web parts to a single search web part. Best regards, Michal Legen

  • Asynchronously Searching
    Forum Post Jan 14, 2013
    Is there a way to have the Smart Search Dialog asynchronously update the Smart Search Results? I checked the "Ajax" box on the Search Results but it still reloads the whole page when you search from the box. Thanks, Erik

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