• MVC Admin Pages Module Doesn't Recognize Database Change
    Question May 11, 2023
    MVC Kentico 13 - Admin Control Panel I had to run a SQL query to update an entire column of a page type that had a change. The change is working in terms of pulling the correct value but oddly the content tab of the pages module for that page type still shows the old value. ...

  • Kentico 12 MVC export/import media library issue
    Question Jan 24, 2024
    Hi, I've exported 200 logos from one site to another(media files not physical). On the other site I did the import and copied the physical files manually to the correct media library folder. Most of them were fine except maybe 40 of them that had a space in the name have to be...

  • System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. Issue Staging SVG Files (MVC v13.0.78)
    Question Jan 19, 2023
    I'm having an issue staging SVG files in MVC v13.0.78 where I get the following exception trying to stage SVG files only. Looks like it's related to the System.Drawing.BitMap class. This hasn't been modified at all so I'm wondering if anyone has seen this or has ideas about ...

  • Kentico 13 MVC Custom Email Provider > Remove Email from Queue
    Question Jul 28, 2023
    I´ve followed this guide to implement a Custom Send Email class, my final class is pretty similar to the sample class in the documentation page. https://docs.xperience.io/custom-development/customizing-providers/custom-email-provider-example However (due to business requireme...

  • facing issue while importing Data in Kentico 13 mvc
    Question Sep 28, 2023
    Hi Team, We are migrating kentico 12 portal engine to Kentico 13 mvc. When we are importing one of the page type data kentico 12 to 13 we are facing below issue.(used kentico 13 import tool kit) **"An error occurred on import: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Extensi...

  • How to apply caching on page builder page in Kentico 13 MVC
    Question Mar 7, 2022
    Hi, I created general page builder page by adding page type in cms and with just view file (mysite_PageBuilder.cshtml). How do I apply caching on this genereal page builder page. Kentico MVC V13.0.49 Regards, Geo

  • using email templates from .net core/mvc site
    Question Dec 16, 2022
    is there any documentation about setting up email templates that we can use from the mvc site? I am building an emailer to send notifications when a comment is added to a post, and wasn't sure if there would be benefits to using an email template or if I should just code the ...

  • [K13 MVC] Get PageBuilderDataContext (Or pageIdentifier) for a from Component used as a widget prope
    Question Jan 5, 2023
    Currently I'm working on a form component that will be used as a widget property in the Page Builder scenario. This form component needs to have information of the current page it's on. I assumed that the Dependency Injected IPageBuilderDataContextRetriever object would contai...

  • Kentico 12 MVC - Add a Forms selector inside a widget
    Question Mar 8, 2022
    How do I add a Forms widget inside another widget? I tried using FormZone() within the widget but nothing shows up[.](https://www.toysruscreditcard.org/) enter image description here

  • Using a Form Control: URL Selector In Xperience 13 MVC
    Question Nov 4, 2022
    I am using kentico xperience 13 MVC and facing problem in using a URL Selector Form Control. When click on any Page it should populate below Url Field with Relative URL but the problem is that the below URL Field is still empty when we click on a Page. ![Image Text](https://i...

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