• Access to Setting section in CMS
    Question Mar 8, 2016
    Hi guys. I'm working to create new module in K9 and have a problem here. Pls help I create new user and assign this user to new role, and i want to access to Setting section in CMS to edit some value here. Link image below [link image](http://imgur.com/QOJJj6z) But only glo...

  • Pushing Page Type data and associated pages automatically from staging environment to production
    Question Jun 24, 2016
    I've been tasked to automatically push page type data and pages from our staging environment to production. Our content people put data into our staging environment and want it automated. Do I need to create a custom class and task to implement this? And if so, do I need to ...

  • Filter in Custom Table is not affected in Kentico 9 on Azure Server
    Question Aug 24, 2016
    Hi Kentico Developers, We are having a trouble issue in Kentico 9 Appication in Azure Server. It is that filter in Custom Table is not affected in Kentico 9 through setting in Alternative forms. * **Normally, In Kentico 9 at my local computer, filter in Custom Table is sti...

  • Split a string into array and count the values
    Question Aug 30, 2016
    Hi there, I am working on a form validation macro that will count the number of checkboxes checked and limit it to 3 or fewer. I've tried using Count to determine how many elements are in the array but it doesn't return anything. Here's my code:

  • Google Adwords Conversion Script on a Form Submission Page
    Question Nov 14, 2016
    We have a form for contact us using Kentico 8.1. When someone submits the form, on the resulting page we want to have display some Javascript for Google Adwords conversion. We are using a Kentico form on a content page. The "After the form is submitted:" has "Display text" ...

  • Translating Text using Google Translate Service
    Question Feb 2, 2017
    I have added few cultures in my site so that i can see content of my site in different languages.I am using google translate service for translating text but it is showing me same text for all languages.When i saw event log i found error related to Google Translator i.e. "The ...

  • Missing Column in Transformation
    Question Mar 18, 2017
    Hello Kentico Team, I'm in the process of cleaning up my repeaters by removing unnecessary columns, but I've hit a snag. One of my repeaters won't show the "Selected Item Transformation" for my custom page type, when I limit the columns. Instead it just shows the main transfo...

  • Changing field name in a pagetype
    Question Apr 3, 2017
    I have tables that have fields with the same name (ex: table_A.picto, table_A.picto2, table_B.picto, table_B.picto2). I tried to put the full name in my transformations but it generates an error. I then tried to change names for the fields in one of the 2 tables. When I do a...

  • Selling tickets with Kentico?
    Question Apr 20, 2017
    Can we use the kentico product as a ticket and sell them as tickets on the site? We can limit how many tickets we sell by tracking the inventory? Is this possible? Does kentico support selling tickets? Thank you

  • What does NumberOfProcessedResults do? (In SearchHelper.Search( SearchParameters ))
    Question May 3, 2017
    If the search is on page 5, with 20 items per page, setting DisplayResults = 20, StartingPosition to 80 and numberofprocessedresults to 20, returns 0 results. Should I be setting numberofprocessedresults to (pagecount * itemsperpage)? Thanks Marcel

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