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ozie - 10/4/2009 11:51:53 PM
Requested action was canceled due to nonfulfillment of some license limit
Hi guys

i created 2 new users and made them both editors.. i didnt know that the free version only allowed for one, but no error was given when the second user was created.

my problem is now that i can not log in at all as anyone to the cmsdesk.. all i get is a page with:
Requested action was canceled due to nonfulfillment of some license limit. Please check event log to get more details.

how do i undo this so that i can log in.. being that i cant log in as even the one site administrator i cant change anything


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 10/20/2009 12:20:14 PM
RE:Requested action was canceled due to nonfulfillment of some license limit
Hello Greg,

You should be able at least to log in your CMSSiteManager and delete one user in Administration -> Users. If you are not able to do so, you can change it in your DB, in CMS_User table. Here please find appropriate user, go to UserIsEditor column and put false value in there.
FYI: you can see feature matrix here: http://www.kentico.com/cms-asp-net-features/Feature-Matrix.aspx

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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jcmoen-connections-etc - 12/1/2010 11:44:23 AM
RE:Requested action was canceled due to nonfulfillment of some license limit
I am having this problem also, but when I go to my logon screen- I just get the error, It will not let me past it to log in and delete the 2nd user.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 12/6/2010 8:17:05 AM
RE:Requested action was canceled due to nonfulfillment of some license limit

It will not let you login Site Manager? Could you please use database approach and disable given user as cms editor? Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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gtools154-yahoo - 4/5/2011 3:59:12 PM
RE:Requested action was canceled due to nonfulfillment of some license limit
Hi Radek,
I just received the same error. I had downloaded what I thought was the free edition but just noticed the countdown. So I went in and loaded the free license key.

I have removed the second user using the role (it was a test account, as I was experimenting resetting permissions/ui personalization/users).

We are looking to purchase the product after we have confirmed that we can do all the client is asking.


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gtools154-yahoo - 4/5/2011 4:00:39 PM
RE:Requested action was canceled due to nonfulfillment of some license limit
Oops, canceled role, forgot to uncheck the Is Editor.

never mind.
