• RE:Azure Cloud Services new site template install error
    Forum Post Aug 20, 2013
    Hi, No we don't know about any bug related to this. Could you please confirm that your user name for azure account contains only lowercase letters? Regards, Martin Danko

  • RE:Azure Cloud Services new site template install error
    Forum Post Aug 28, 2013
    Hello, please apply the latest hotfix to your Kentico CMS Azure instance. There were some issues with previous versions that are now fixed. You can download it from: http://www.kentico.com/Downloads/HotFix/7_0/Hotfix_7_0_50.exe

  • Upgrading to Windows Azure
    Forum Post Sep 30, 2013
    Hi, We are planning to migrating our system to Windows Azure. Currently we are using Kentico 4.0. Do we need to upgrade kentico for this migration or we can still continue work with 4.0 version?

  • RE:Moving user controls from on environment to another.
    Forum Post Oct 16, 2013
    Does the import in site manager work? I would imagine that if this works you could specify to import the files. I am not sure about the rules for azure, but this could be an option unless the import is disabled for azure solutions.

  • Windows Azure Support for Kentico CMS 4.0
    Forum Post Dec 4, 2013
    Hi, We are using Kentico CMS 4.0 for our application. Can we upgrade to Windows Azure with Kentico CMS 4.0? If yes, do we require any configuration change? A link explaining the changes required would help us. Thank you.

  • RE:Webfarm errors in Azure
    Forum Post Jan 16, 2012
    What do you mean with a domain name? The computer names are also variable?

  • RE:Running Kentico in Azure Emulator
    Forum Post Feb 10, 2012
    Hi all, I have a website in Kentico 6 with hotfix 15 installed, which I have converted into an Azure application using the Azure deployment guide. In the website I have created some custom documents types with upload file fields, and using a repeater I show them on the page. ...

  • RE:Running Kentico in Azure Emulator
    Forum Post Feb 15, 2012
    I solved the problem: it was with Files friendly URL extension setings of those file. Thanks, Andrei

  • RE:Azure SDK 1.6
    Forum Post Jul 6, 2012
    I am trying to use the SDK v1.7t. How do I start the conversion wizard?

  • RE:Azure Logo
    Forum Post Jul 23, 2013
    Interestingly, my service definition is pretty much identical and confirming the settings through Azure's web interface, I have CMSAzureProject = true. At runtime though, SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSAzureProject"] returns an empty value. You mentioned however: It is n...

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