• Admin media selection on page designed fails in production
    Question Nov 3, 2022
    In the page editor when I click on a widget to select an image the images fail They're requesting the .../cmsctx/pm/72d516d1-d705-451e-ac34-c9d650a124e0/culture/en-GB/wg/947bdd8b-315c-4dd2-90a9-f20e0a6b60d3/readonly/0/ea/1/h/89b9952a9cc1c331bf9195199783572653bfec696d1a94cec...

  • Shopping Cart Items for Klaviyo
    Question Jan 26, 2022
    Hi Guys, Wondering if you can advise where I can add curly brackets to this method please, as each item in the shopping cart has to be wrapped inside a curly brackets [{ } ] This code resolves as : [{ "Product Name:"Siena Lady GTX Shoe: BRAUN - 6...

  • ##WHERE## Is Disappearing Randomly After Kentico Update from 8.2->12
    Question Feb 21, 2022
    I'm having a really strange issue happen where my ##WHERE## clause is being removed randomly along with the WHERE in the SQL query itself. This started happening after I upgraded from K8.2 to K12 Portal Engine. Also, sometimes if I run from my computer in localhost it doesn'...

  • Web Server is down, moving toward a new server
    Question Aug 19, 2022
    Hi All, Our network is down so we are going to have clone our servers to another college environment, we need some assistance in regards to the changes to the web server configuration. Is there someone that can walk us through the setting changes. Changing the IPs to the dat...

  • Kentico Smart Search not working kin kentico 12
    Question Sep 13, 2022
    Hi Everyone, I'm using the kentico 12, in kentico there are smart search funtionality which I implemented in our site for other site its working fine but for only one site its not worked, I checked everything as per the documentation but its not working for me. Only the searc...

  • Error 400 with Kentico Form
    Question Dec 1, 2022
    Hey, I am running Kentico 13.0.83 using ASP .NET CORE and IIS 10. I have been having issues with the base kentico forms on my website and i wanted to see if there is anyone that is experiencing this issue. This issue gets thrown intermittently when the form is submitted and...

  • Disable Media Usage Index
    Question Aug 12, 2022
    I'm currently getting a lot of errors, with the media index so I'm looking to disable it. I've disabled the local index task and set key="CMSProcessSearchTasksByScheduler" value="true", but I'm still getting the errors Message: Error while processing index MediaFilesUsage: A...

  • System.OutOfMemoryException
    Question Apr 28, 2022
    Running Kentico v10 successfully & happily for the past 4 years. Web server and DB server hosted on Azure. Suddenly, for the past days, page editors cannot save pages (create new versions). System.OutOfMemoryException error is thrown. I noticed our DB didn't change recently...

  • Media libraries folder
    Question May 18, 2022
    We currently have seven sites hosted in the same admin instance (v12.0.83). If we leave the default settings value for the Media libraries folder (***~/{sitename}/media***) when it synchronizes changes to the presentation sites it makes the change only to one of the sites. I...

  • How to Create a Speedy Site Search Worth Celebrating With Algolia
    Article Mar 29, 2022
    As an Xperience user, you may already be familiar with our Smart Search and Azure Search options, but perhaps you’re looking for something different. We’re happy to announce that we’re expanding our robust search functionality by adding Algolia to the family! This sleek searc...

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