• Kentico 13 MVC Forms - Formbuilder - Submit button
    Question Jun 2, 2022
    After submitting the form submit button is taking 4 to 5 seconds to disappear. Because of this user is submitting the same form multiple times. Can you please assist to resolve this issue.

  • Linking Page With Child In Xperience 13 MVC
    Question Sep 28, 2022
    I am using **kentico xperience 13 MVC** and facing problem in Linking any existing page. When click on an option `Link an existing page` there is no option like `Link also all child pages`. SO, how can i link any page with all child pages in **kentico xperience 13 MVC** ?

  • Error create a Widget in Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Mar 8, 2022
    I got an error while creating a widget. I followed documentation from [here](https://docs.xperience.io/k12sp/developing-websites/page-builder-development) License for feature 'ABTesting' not found. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of t...

  • AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync() returns null for Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Mar 27, 2023
    I have created a Kentico application on Kentico12 MVC version v12.0.81 and .net 4.6.1 and I have setup Azure ADB2C for external authentication. The application is running fine on dev and test environment and able to get the users data in my code returned from Azure ADB2C. Bu...

  • Security Settings on Pages created from the MVC Site
    Question Oct 21, 2022
    Are there any functions or additional properties we need to add to a new page when we are adding them in from the MVC site? Edit: We're using Kentico 13.0.71 and .NET Core for the MVC site (.NET 6) We are building a site where users of the MVC site can add in new Offers that...

  • Error create an Image widget in Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Mar 8, 2022
    I unable create an image widget with custom controller. I copied all souce code used to build `Image widget` in Dancing Goat example. There is no error from my source code, but I got this error message after I click Image widget from Kentico CMS: `An error has occurred. If t...

  • Kentico MVC 12 - working example of Articles widget
    Question Jan 18, 2022
    Can anyone share a working example of Articles widget that is using PageAlias. Thanks.

  • Output cache with Kentico 12 MVC when using alternative URLs
    Question Feb 14, 2024
    I am running a Kentico 12.0.96 MVC site and I have ran into an issue where using alternative URLs seem to always bypass the output cache. For example we have a generic page type with a URL pattern set to: `/genericpage/`. The alternative URL mode is set to rewrite. When the ...

  • Kentico 12 MVC export/import page categories issue
    Question Jan 23, 2024
    Hi, I exported Site with pre-selection after a certain date. It exported Categories and Pages but locally f.e. Page1 has Category1 and Category2 but on after a successful import (where it said in the log Import Pages, Importing Page categories, Importing Content categories)an...

  • How to Make Widget Available in Custom Page Section MVC 13
    Question Feb 21, 2023
    I have a custom widget that I need available in a custom page type and custom section. This is MVC 13. How can I make the widget available in a new section? I don't see it as an option when I click the plus sign (add widget) inside the page section? Thanks!

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