• MVC Widgets: Structure and Best Practices
    Article Mar 15, 2019
    This article will provide a break down of the individual components of an MVC widget and provide best practices and items to look out for while developing these powerful components.

  • Creating an MVC Widget Showcase Site with Kentico EMS and MVC – Custom Widgets and Inline Editors
    Article Feb 26, 2019
    If you’ve been following this blog, you know that we now have a functioning MVC site with some  dynamic content stored in a Kentico installation . We’ve preconfigured the site for widgets, applied a design, and some  script bundlin g. In this article, I’m going to show you ho...

  • Creating an MVC Widget Showcase Site with Kentico EMS and MVC – Adding a Design and the Page Builder
    Article Feb 12, 2019
    Welcome back! In  Part 1  of the series, I covered creating a VERY basic MVC site and pulling in some Kentico-hosted content. This article is going to keep the party going with applying a design, implementing the new  Page Builder   functionality, and setting ourselves up ...

  • Creating an MVC Widget Showcase Site with Kentico EMS and MVC – Getting Started
    Article Jan 25, 2019
    With the release of Kentico 12, there’s no secret that MVC is the future for all things Kentico. From the simplest brochure sites to the most complex integrations, MVC is the recommended approach for any developer working with the platform (have we made that clear enough yet?...

  • MVC Widget with a Touch of Kentico Cloud
    Article Dec 26, 2018
    With the release of Kentico V12 comes the new page builder for MVC. As part of self-improvement, I was trying to come up with an interesting small project. I decided to try pulling some content from a Kentico Cloud project and display it using an MVC Widget in the Kentico EMS...

  • Code generators
    Article Sep 9, 2014
    Do you want to work with the page, custom table and biz form data in API using strongly typed objects? Or use strongly typed views in MVC? Then read this article to learn more!

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