• RE:Limit Downloads to Authenticated Users for Document Attachments
    Forum Post Oct 6, 2010
    Hello, The easiest way woud be to change the default transformation to not to generate links to the files. Than there would be a different transformation (the default one) where the links are generated as always. The first transformation would be used if the user isn't auth...

  • RE:Limit Downloads to Authenticated Users for Document Attachments
    Forum Post Oct 15, 2010
    Hi, you can use following code with macro: {(1)%username|(equals)public|(truevalue)<div class="notLoggedList"><br /><p>To download these attachments, please <a href="~/Login.aspx?a={(2)%nodealiaspath%(2)}">login</a> or <a href="~/Login.aspx?a={(2)%nodealiaspath%(2)}">reg...

  • RE:Injecting content
    Forum Post Jul 11, 2011
    Well I found out after looking around a second time in the forums this post: http://devnet.kentico.com/Forums.aspx?forumid=45&threadid=19130 This helped out alot. I had approached it this way originally but was confused when I saw 4 repeater items show up. I just simply had...

  • RE:The page can not be displayed due to license limitations after importing a new site
    Forum Post Jul 16, 2011
    Hello, It's strange, there is no error message. However, I guess that you might be facing the Editors amount limit. Please see the main limitations http://www.kentico.com/freecms.aspx. Go through your users list and make sure there is just one editor within them. Please...

  • RE:Problem with free license key
    Forum Post Aug 23, 2011
    Am I to understand that if we go over our limit Kentico will suddently display the message "The page can not be displayed due to license limitations" and not tell us how we went over our limitation? So then we have no information on how to resolve and we're forced to guess or ...

  • RE:Site export fails on CMS_MetaFile, "An expression services limit has been reached"
    Forum Post Dec 27, 2011
    Thanks, Ivana -- I will try temporarily switching the Application Pool from Integrated to Classic pipeline on the site I export from and see whether that lets me make a zip file which includes the version history. Our shop is on holiday hours this week, so I will do this fi...

  • E-commerce - sharing customers across sites
    Forum Post Feb 9, 2012
    Hi, can a user account, which has access to the CMS Desk, be configured to see only customers assigned to the current site and not all customers (users) in the system? Currently the list in Tools/E-commerce/Customers shows everything, but we need to limit the CMS Desk u...

  • RE:The remote server returned an error: NotFound
    Forum Post Mar 19, 2012
    Hello. This error (Thread was being aborted) usually occurs if application is restarted. Could you please eventually ask your hosting provider if they are restarting application under some circumstances (sometimes they are restarting it e.g. if it crosses some memory, or CP...

  • RE:Booking System Payment
    Forum Post Apr 23, 2012
    One more thing i noticed is that : I have set capacity to 5 but more that 5 users are able to add event to cart. How to restrict them from exceeding the event attendees limit? Is it possible to add an event on clicking the register button instead of Add to Cart button?

  • RE:DB: Change physical log file for table
    Forum Post Jun 1, 2012
    Hi, Which log files you mean? The Kentico log is stored in the DB as a normal data records and default setting is to limit the records to 1000 items (Site Manager -> Settings -> System -> Log size) Which DB consumes the most of the space? My guess is you are talking ab...

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