• Alias path on multilingual MVC site
    Question Nov 27, 2019
    Hi, We have a multilingual kentico 12 MVC site and when we create new pages by "Copy content from another language" or "Create empty page", the alias path is the same for all languages. This means we will have a swedish url for the english version of the page. Is there any wa...

  • MVC Form Builder license error
    Question Sep 1, 2020
    Hello, Working on building a MVC site and am getting a error when going into the Form Builder: `You don't have a valid license for current domain. See event log for more details.` Very strange since I have valid licenses for both the content site (*admin.domain.org*) and pr...

  • Kentico 12 MVC with Angular JS
    Question Feb 6, 2020
    We are using Kentico as a back end and Angular JS as a front end, so what is the best approach and where should I create API?

  • global variable for K12 MVC developement
    Question Jul 8, 2019
    Hi All, We want to read page form field data (ID,Code) from all of the widgets? Any suggestion on this?

  • MVC Web farm Server Not Responding
    Question Sep 8, 2020
    **Environment:** > Kentico 12 sp MVC latest hotfix > License: Full license/ultimate/2 web farm servers > Both Servers hosted on same IIS machine as different web sites > Both using same Database and set up as Automatic **Issue:** > Kentico Admin web farm ...

  • Donut Caching in Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Apr 26, 2021
    I have implemented Donut Caching in my project MVC using standard DonutCaching nuget package MVCDonutCaching. Now, everything else is working fine except that when I try to login to admin portal and check any page in portal, and then view the same page in live site mode, then...

  • Custom Routing Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Jun 6, 2019
    To make the editors happy and the website more SEO friendly also regarding multilanguage I need to implement custom urls or routing. For example to be able to use the Page Alias/Node Alias as a part of the url like this: **https://mydomain/{Page Alias}**. ---------- I just t...

  • Error on Tutorial Starting with MVC Development
    Question Aug 17, 2021
    https://docs.xperience.io/developing-websites/starting-with-mvc-development Step: 3 I am unable to install Kentico.Xperience.AspNet.Mvc5 in the NuGet package. I tried versions dated back to before the tutorial was written with no luck. The framework is 4.5. I get the fol...

  • Hosting Kentico MVC Applications in Azure
    Article Sep 12, 2018
    The rise of MVC has not been a quiet process. Over the past few years, developers have been saying...err…SCREAMING that they want to use modern, scalable frameworks for their Kentico applications. And they’re right! Modular, flexible architectures allow sites to be developed ...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Design Patterns - MVC Widget Tips
    Article Mar 3, 2020
    Learn some tips and best practices when developing and integrating MVC Widgets into your Kentico 12 MVC site.

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