• Delete free licenses.
    Question Jun 1, 2022
    I have generated a few to many free licenses (learning kentico) and now I want to delete some and only keep the ones that I need, but I'm unable to locate the delete option within the client portal > free licenses How do you delete?

  • Campaign And Conversions
    Question Nov 2, 2022
    I am having the same issues at this post. [https://devnet.kentico.com/questions/campaign-and-conversions](https://devnet.kentico.com/questions/campaign-and-conversions) I've tried turning online marketing on and off and it doesn't work, the only other thing I can think of it'...

  • Error create a Widget in Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Mar 8, 2022
    I got an error while creating a widget. I followed documentation from [here](https://docs.xperience.io/k12sp/developing-websites/page-builder-development) License for feature 'ABTesting' not found. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of t...

  • Migrate/upgrade kentico 11 to kentico 13
    Question Jul 27, 2022
    How to Migrate/upgrade Kentico 11 (portal engine) to Kentico 13 (MVC)?

  • Uploading my changes to production
    Question Jul 7, 2022
    My client requested to upgrade the framework libraries to their site (not Admin). After to do that, I made a lot of changes in the pages (HTML and CSS). There were many pages. A Dev environment was created to make these changes. I would like a suggestion on how I should upl...

  • Load balancer cache remove problem
    Question Jan 31, 2022
    We have two sites A and B, CMS for each site is on the same server, and both sites have two presentations servers P1 and P2 (A and B share the same servers for presentation). The problem that we have is: Change is made on the content page in the Pages app (saved, publi...

  • SQL Edition
    Question Jan 28, 2022
    Dear, Which Microsoft sql edition can i use for a kentico website that are hosted onprem ? Is the web edition enough ? Perhaps the express setup could do the job ? Or do i have to use the standard edition which is more expensive ? Is there "any rules" to determine which vers...

  • Error 404 of Form Builder tab in Forms application in Kentico 12
    Question Feb 16, 2022
    [Link image error 404](https://postimg.cc/R6TsVZFw) Please help me to resolve this issue for my project. Thanks!

  • getting REST working for Kentico 13 trial
    Question Jul 7, 2022
    Hello: I've been evaluating Xperience and was wondering how to go about getting the REST API working. I've tried following [this](https://docs.xperience.io/integrating-3rd-party-systems/xperience-rest-service/configuring-the-rest-service) but couldn't get anywhere with it. ...

  • RE:License for CMS Website
    Forum Post Oct 29, 2009
    please send me the license

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