What happened to the forms module?

lawrence whittemore asked on June 4, 2021 19:11

What happen to all the features of the forms module? No custom layouts or anything? In Kentico 13 are we supposed to develop any sort of advanced form in the site app and not through the admin?

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on June 5, 2021 03:14

While alternative forms and layouts were pretty cool and I was a huge fan of PE, I really enjoy the Form Builder now in Kentico v12 and greater. There's a lot of customization you can do to it with a very little amount of code. This post talks about customizing the output of all forms on a site and is for v12 MVC5 but it's very similar for v13 .NET Core. Using the OOTB form widget, custom form sections, custom form controls and customizing the output it's way more powerful than anything we've done in PE. Plus 95% of it is reusable.

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lawrence whittemore answered on June 8, 2021 14:11

Thanks for the tips. How would I run something like this in .net core's start up? Also, Can you add editable text areas to forms?

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