Users on Mulitple sites with different custom fields

Mark Elliott asked on March 4, 2016 17:37

We are implementing multiple sites on Kentico and each is going to have separate set of users. We have custom fields that apply to each distinct set of users. In other words users of Site A will get fields ABC while users of Site B will get fields XYZ. When I look at the Users module however it doesn't look like there is a way to segment out the fields by site.

Recent Answers

Bryan Soltis answered on March 4, 2016 18:19

Hi Mark,

You are correct in that the fields are not site-specific. I would recommend looking into creating an Alternate form for each site with the fields that are specific to them. That way you can have some settings be required (when the alternate form is used) and not required for other implementations.

You cna find more about Alternate forms here:

  • Bryan
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Mark Elliott answered on March 4, 2016 19:43

Hey Bryan,

I tried to clone the alternative form I had created for one site to use for another but it wouldn't let me make any changes to the field list (add/delete). I'll try creating a whole new form for this new site.

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Brenden Kehren answered on March 5, 2016 05:02

User Settings work, although what I've done in the past is created a custom table and had a one to many relationship with it. So each user can be part of multiple sites and each custom table stores the users ID and site ID along with their custom settings. This is one place I feel Kentico is lacking a bit when it comes to single users across multiple sites and user profile.

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Mark Elliott answered on March 7, 2016 16:40

Thanks Brenden, that sounds like a good approach. As we develop more of these sites in Kentico we will be needing to pursue an approach like that.

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