I am trying to have a Kentico form forward to our project management tool using an email similar to example+projectid@example.com. But the email won't send to the example email address. All other emails in the recipient field will receive the email without any problems.
Would a plus '+' symbol in an email address cause the email not to send to that particular recipient?
Could it be an issue because we have the plus '+' symbol restricted in settings for Forbidden URL characters or related to URL encoding/decoding?
'+' is allowed. Take a look at the E-mail Queue. See if your email is in the queue and if there is an Error message. You may also try to send email from there to simulate this issue. Click 'send email' tab put your example+projectid@example.com as recipient and then check the queue again.
The email shows as sent in the queue, with no issues.
And I can send to the email through Outlook without any issues.
Is Kentico encoding it?
Has anyone else had this issue?
If it is successfully being sent from your SMTP provider then the issue is on the receiving end. Chech with your email admin.
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